Mental Health Counseling and Therapy Services.
Mental Health Counseling Online in Texas, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Vermont.
Did you know that 1 out of 4 people are diagnosed with a mental disorder? That is more than 12% of the world’s population. This means, 450 million people in the world are diagnosed and living with mental illness (WHO,2002). In the United States, 46.6 million American adults have a diagnosis of mental illness. Meaning 1 out of 5 adults are diagnosed with mental illness, about 1 out of 25 adults have been diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI), and 1 out of 5 young adults ages 13 to 18 are diagnosed with mental illness each year (NIMH,2019).
In Texas alone, more than 1.6 million people have been diagnosed and are living with mental illness out of a population of 28 million (NAMI,2017). Taking charge of your mental health is the important fundamental key to creating the life that you deserve and want. Mental health counseling pursues a more wraparound approach in therapy, we form a collaborative treatment that includes forming a close relationship with other physicians in charge of managing your well-being and medications.
We will work together to collaborate and develop an individualized treatment plan for your needs. Seeking therapy is a sign of courage and strength that you are ready to reap the benefits of counseling. Our goal is to help you overcome and work through demonization and demoralization felt by social stigmatization, find acceptance, gain personal insight, and empowerment over your own mental well-being, and most importantly, develop life skills that will help prevent future mental health distress.
We understand your concerns, and discontentment about being diagnosed with mental illness. We understand the impacts and stigmatizations that come with being diagnosed with mental illness. However, a diagnosis of mental illness is not different than a diagnosis of diabetes both are medical conditions that need continuous maintenance to stable blood sugar levels. Whereas, mental illness requires continuous maintenance to keep the brain healthy and stabilized.
Both have physical and mental symptoms that impact your quality of life and well-being if left untreated. Whether you are experiencing your first episode or a lifetime struggle with a severe diagnosis of mental illness we have experienced professionals here to help guide you in managing your mental well-being. Start creating the life you want and deserve. We work collaboratively with your doctor who is managing your mental health.
Your Mental Health Matters!
“ Providing accessible online therapy for all your therapeutic needs.”
— Accepting new clients located in Texas, Florida, Nevada, and Vermont. Call your insurance provider today to see if Mending Hearts Counseling is in network with your provider.